Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Sketchbook paintings. Mushrooms, peapod, and chili peppers.

Enjoy my latest sketchbook entries.  I am almost done with this book, I need to buy a new one soon.  I painted on both sides of the pages.  60 page book!!!

Friday, October 27, 2023

Yet more watercolor sketchbook doodles

 Can't seem to bring myself to paint with oils today.  I need to get back to basics before I can progress. Maybe I will find my path soon.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

More Sketchbook Watercolor paintings.

A few few more sketchbook paintings.  I have a lot on my mind, it is very hard for me to find a subject to paint.  I am just throwing down random ideas into my sketch book. I think it will be more of the same today.


Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

The Indian.

I am calling this painting "The Indian"  It is part of a larger work I am going to do.  Trying to figure what part I am going to paint.  After I do the oil painting I will give the story of the photo I was given. There will probably be more watercolors of the subject.  I hope I am not boring anyone.  lol.  Nobody reads this blog.


Another Study of a larger painting.

 Still working out the details of a larger painting.  Getting all the wrinkles ironed out.  More posts about this I am sure.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Color study of a painting

 This is a crude color study of a painting i am about to do.  The colors are very yellow.  I have learned a few things about the mixing.  I hope the final painting turns out!!

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Another Cutting Board Painting


Painted the cutting board again.  This time I put some hot pink accents on it.  Figuring it would represent the lighting of the room. I am still trying to find a subject to paint.  

Burnt Out

I made a painting of how I feel.  I named it "Burnt Out"

Lately I have been struggling to find subjects to paint.  I take picture after picture, trying to find a motivation.  Sketch book drawings have become my life.  Well this is my attempt to break the chain. 

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Sketchbook day. Drawing a blank. Artist Block.

 When I can't figure out what to paint, I doodle in my sketch book.  I have had a severe creative block the past week.  Maybe as I sketch I will come up with an idea.  Looks like I may wind up at the bar,  lol.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

My Digital Art Workstation

 My humble digital art workstation.  I have the HUION Inspiroy H1060 Drawing Tablet.  I am using paint.net to learn how to use the tablet.  My hand eye coordination leaves alot to be desired.  I really should practice more, but I like to spend my time using conventional art supply.  Maybe I will spend my mornings practicing.  

Monday, October 2, 2023

Cutting Board Underpainting

The start of my cutting board painting.  I basically blocked out the painting.  I will need to make some color adjustments.  I used the canvas pad that I just put gesso on.  I am letting the paint tack up a little before continuing the painting.

Snowy Field Oil Painting.

A good friend of mine gave me some masonite.  I cut it up into various sizes and applied thick gesso. I have been painting on it for some ti...